A new way to make your voice heard


People always want to know if their elected officials are using tax money wisely. They want to know how they vote on the issues. That stuff is nice.

But we just want to figure out who is hotter.

Every week, we'll present you with a new two-week poll. Vote for your favorite, and we'll reveal the winner in two weeks.

Watch your favorites advance to the finals!

And for all of you haters out there, don't be jerks.

Friday, June 13, 2008

A true senate majority

Not only is this Utah senator in the majority party, but he won the our most recent poll with more votes than anyone ever. He didn't get 100 votes or 110 or 120. Mark Madsen got 127 votes!

There's something going on here, something that can be explained by the following statements:

When the Boogeyman goes to bed at night, he checks his closet for Senator Madsen.
Senator Madsen does not sleep. He waits.
Superman owns a pair of Senator Madsen pajamas.
Senator Madsen doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.
Senator Madsen can slam a revolving door.
Senator Madsen knows the wrong way to eat a Reese's.

The rest of the list can be found at The Senate Site.

Mark's been a fan of trying to help out the homeschooled kids get out more, but his bill to let them join public school's extracurricular activities, like sports teams, failed to make it to the head of the class.

Marky Mark and his Funky Bunch of Homeschoolers, boyyyyyyy!
Starring Mark Madsen, R-Lehi

Watch Mark take on Rep. Greg Hughes on Monday for the title of hottest guy in the Utah Legislature!

Poll results:
Mark Madsen: 49 percent
Sheldon Killpack: 34 percent
Scott McCoy: 13 percent
Darin Peterson: 2 percent
Ross Romero: .7 percent

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Let's update the photos here. Sen. Madsen has lost about 50 lbs since your picture was taken. Check out his website. http://www.votemadsen.com/

Our winners so far