Thursday, August 7, 2008

You know who you are

Dear Orem,

That's the best name we can think to call you right now. Don't you think we see the stream of clicks coming from you to Elected Hotties? We're guessing that you're voting for hometown hunk Sen. Mark Madsen, R-Lehi. And you should.

But please vote once.

We really didn't think we were going to have to have this talk. But this is a fun blog, a family blog. And we don't want to have to explain to our little future elected hotties that some people will cheat (gasp!) just to make sure someone wins.

No doubt you've found a way around Blogger's cookie tracker that allows the honest people to vote once. Good for you.

Now stop it.

May the hotness be with you forever.


The editors


  1. Mark does not represent Orem nor has he ever lived in Orem. Senator Valentine represents part of Orem as does Sen. Dayton.

  2. Doesn't matter, anonymous. Someone there loves him. A lot.
